Design research methodology|Assignment 2 : Critical review

Design research methodology 

Feng weijie | 0349058

Design research methodology| B' in Creative Media

Week 05 (23/10/2022)– Week 07(7/10/2022)


Week 5

Critical review is an explicit type of critical writing that requires you to evaluate some aspects.

  • Parts of a critical review
  • Full reference in APA style
  • Summary of the article
  • Critique and evaluation
  • Conclusion


What type of text is it?

- primary / secondary source?
- original research / a comment on original research?
- are any of the sections and how do they fit together?
- are any of the sections particularly effective (or inefficient)

The methodology

is the research quantitative or qualitative?
does the methodology have any weaknesses?
how does the design of the study address the hypothesis/research problem?

Reason / Evidence

What sources does the author use?
- interviews, government reports, journal entries...
What type of reasoning is employed?
- inductive, deductive
What type of evidence is provided
- empirical, statistical, logical
Are there any gaps in the evidence/reasoning?


Does the data adequately support the conclusion drawn by the researcher(s)?
Are other interpretations plausible?
Are the conclusions dependent on a particular theoretical formulation?
What does the work contribute to the field?


What assumptions does the author make?
Does the author account for all of the data, or are portions left out?
What alternative perspectives remain unconsidered?
Are there any logical flaws in the construction of the argument?

Week 6

Quantitative research
  • numbers, scales, charts...
  • quantity based on the number
  • useful for larger quantities (wider target group)
  • through both primary & secondary research
Qualitative research
  • give us different types of information
  • personal opinions of people and give us a small portion of high-quality detail on topics
  • Negative: could be subjective & bias
  • eg: film reviews, game reviews, fan-based websites...
Primary research
  • the research you have gone out and done yourself
  • interviews, observation, questionnaires, surveys, focus groups...
  • Negative: time-consuming
Secondary research
  • the research you use that has already been completed by someone
  • negative: cannot always trust the source is reliable
Purpose of research
  • audience research

- profiting, demographic, consumer behavior, consumer attitudes, audience awareness
- help producers understand and communicate with their target audience
- information may not tie in with your product

  • market research
- e research into different areas
- useful to see if there is a gap in the market

  • production research
- broad and cover as much or as little as you want it to
- content, viability, media placement, finance, costs...
- you cannot only start to make budgets, equipment lists, personal contacts


Critical Review

Figure 1.1 Critical Review Draft

Final Submission

Figure 1.4 Revised Critical Review Final Submission


Doing 5 critical reviews in 4 days is stressful. When writing a critical review, there are still many doubts. We were asked to compare and contrast the five articles and look at them as a whole. On the other hand, Dr. Hayati said cross-referencing articles is unnecessary and we should review them critically.
