Video sound production : Exercises

Video sound production - Exercises

Feng wei jie/0349058
Bachelor of  Design in Creative Media
Video sound production :Exercises


Week 1
Mr. Martin started this week's lecture by giving us a detailed briefing about this module. Time-based project includes pre-production, production and post-production.

  • Pre-production
    - Idea development
    - Story
    - Storyboard
    - Visual reference
    - Location/Props
  • Production
    - Lighting
    - Costume
    - Principal Shooting
  • Post-production 
    - Offline editing
    - Online editing
    - Audio editing 


Exercises 1: Mints advertise

Mr. Martin assigned us to do a short class exercise and instructed us how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. We got a folder of edited videos, and then we had to arrange the timeline accordingly.

Figure 1.0 Combining the given footage 25th Aug 2021

Figure 1.1 Exporting the final video 25th Aug 2021

Figure 1.2 Final Mints advertise 25th Aug 2021

Next, in our second exercise, we can also get the one that contains this cut video, and continue to arrange it. It is actually the same as the first exercise.

Exercises 2: Doritos advertise

                            Figure 1.3 Check with the transition after all done 25th Aug 2021

                                              Figure 1.4 Final Doritos advertise 25th Aug 2021


Mr. Martin's tutoring class is really helpful and interesting. He can speak Chinese, which makes me feel very kind. It's fun to do this exercise because we have to rearrange all the video clips into the correct arrangement to make a complete video. This is my first contact with Premiere Pro software, which is very challenging for me.

Exercise 3: Framing & Shooting

In this exercise, we are going to shot and explore 8 different shot sizes (how large the area that's visible within the area) we learnt during lecture, the main objective is to practice GOOD COMPOSITION by shooting the videos below


1.     Low angle Wide shot
2.     Frontal MCU (soft  background)
3.     Frontal MS (soft  background)
4.     Extreme Close-Up shot
5.     Side angle MS (soft  background)
6.     ¾ angling MCU shot (with blurry/soft  foreground)
7.     Close-Up shot   
8.     Eye-Level Medium-Wide shot

Exercise  4: My name is "LALIN"

We were asked to watch a recorded tutorial on YouTube by Mr Martin, and did the video editing with the footages provided. There're 12 shots there, and storyboard was also provided to indicate the editing order.


Week 3 - Plot Segmentation Exercise 

We are assigned to watch "Bunny new burrow" on YouTube and write down the plot segmentation of the story.  

Videos link: 

Plot Segmentation

  • Bunny is planning her home design in the new burrow
  • Marmot come into the new burrow
  • Marmot showed her the detailed blueprint of his burrow
  • Marmot invite bunny to his burrow
  • Bunny compared her sketches with marmot's burrow
  • Rat come in to invite her to the rat burrow too
  • Bunny feel embarrassed with her sketches
  • Bunny run away with digging a deeper burrow
  • Bunny break into other animals' burrow (porcupine, frog, lizard and ants)
  • Bunny do not dare to knock the door
  • Bunny found a new place to build her house
  • But, water flow into her burrow when she starts digging 
  • Bunny call for help 
  • Badger called other animals 
  • They helped bunny to escape
  • Bunny appreciate their help
  • Bunny showed them the floor plan 
  • Rats helped her to redesign
  • Neighbors helped her to set up a new burrow
Exercise-Dance Shooting Practice 

For people who are not good at dancing, this task is really challenging. My good partner and I formed a group, everyone tried their best to finish, hahaha, although we did not dance together, the laughter did not diminish. This task is really interesting.

