Design Principles - Exercise

Design Principles - Exercise

28/03/2022 - 1/06/2022 (Week 1 -Week4)

Feng weijie | 349058

Design Principles | B' in Creative Media


Week 1 -

In our first class, Ms. Jinchi introduced herself. The introduction of each unit and the study of the tasks and assignments encountered this semester are clearly expressed to us. It also touched on classroom/common ground rules, including not tolerating plagiarism, submitting assignments on time and ensuring that our progress would be shown/explained on a weekly basis to ensure our designs were developed, in addition to receiving pre-recorded videos and modular information brochures containing information about our future assignments. We then went through the module information manual and overall it was a fun and straightforward meeting to start with.

Week 2 - 

The first task we received was to create and upload two designs, one for the Gestalt and one for comparison. We must also provide a summary of the lecture topic (gestalt and contrast). It is also necessary for our electronic archives to have the corresponding content ready

Week 3 - 

Week 4 -  


Exercise 1 - Gestalt  & Contrast Theory

What are gestalt principles?

The Gestalt Principle is the principle/law of human perception that describes how humans group similar elements, recognize patterns, and simplify complex images when perceiving objects. Organizing content on websites and other interfaces is a useful skill, so it's both beautiful and easy to understand. Consider not only the individual elements, but also how the eye perceives the whole.

Explore Gestalt design principles

Figure 1.0 Image from Pinterest's material April 7, 2022

The Gestalt principle of visual perception is an important set of concepts for any designer to learn, and their implementation not only greatly improves the aesthetics of the design, but also improves its functionality and user-friendliness.

I like this photo because it clearly represents the Gestalt principle of visual perception. Using black and white, you'll see two separate images – your eyes moving back and forth between the two. You either see a tree that you'd find in Africa, and then through the white you see a gorilla and a lioness.

What are contrast principles?

The contrast, as Ms. Jinchi ex·plains in the recorded lecture, is "a juxtaposition of strongly different elements." Without visual contrast, the visual experience can be monotonous. It provides visual interest, emphasizes a point, and expresses the content. My view of "contrast" is the integration of two contradictory elements, becoming a single harmonious existence.

Figure 1.1 Painting by painter Dorota Politowska  April 7, 2022

This painting represents the principle of contrast. It takes different parts of the photo and makes a side that is dark, making it bright and vice versa. It is divided into middles, resulting in an even distribution of colors. The whole portrait has two opposite sides, two different colors, which can be used to explain many different things. Some people will describe this as having a light and dark side, or seeing the positive and negative of something.


Drawing tools: iPad software procreate

Part 1 - Contrast

Through the contrasting composition I understand, I feel that it can be the light and dark side, or see the positive and negative of something. The contrast  , the something in my mind is that of angels and demons. So a picture came to mind, and I typed a preliminary draft..

Figure 1.2 Preliminary sketch painting April 7, 2022

After conceiving the sketch, I began to refine the line drawing of the work

Figure 1.3 Improving the sketch line draft April 7, 2022

After the line draft was completed, I began to strengthen the contrast between black and white, depicting the facial features and details of the hair. One side is dark, the other side is bright, making the picture more contrasting.

Figure 1.4 Added sketch black and white comparison and details  April 7, 2022

Final work - “Angels and demons

Figure 1.5 Contrast final work "Angels and Demons". April 7, 2022

Part 2 - Gestalt 

I started with a photo of my cat for reference. In order to design more richly, I designed Guitar
for him. Overall I used the basic two colors, black and white.
I used Closure in Gestalt Theory. 

Closure: The human eye prefers to see the full shape. If the visual element is incomplete, the designer can perceive the complete shape by filling in the missing visual information.

                             Fig. 1.6 Preliminary elements depict the painting. April 7, 2022

Final work - ''Cat with Guitar''

Figure 1.7 Gestalt final work ''Cat with Guitar''. April 7, 2022


week 1

Week 2
