Illustration and Visual Narrative-Task 3

Illustration and Visual Narrative

28/03/2022 - 1/06/2022 (Week 1 -Week4)

Feng weijie | 349058

Illustration and Visual Narrative | B' in Creative Media

Task 3 - Part 1: Webcomic  

Week 10 


After the virus began to spread, the hospital first became a gathering place for the virus. Men who do not know the truth go to the hospital for a cold and become carriers of the virus. Then he joined the Spring Festival army with a strong sense of homesickness that he had not returned home for three years. Although temperature checks have begun at various stations, the man evaded police detection with the help of fever-reducing drugs. At the same time, voices discussing the epidemic spread strongly on the Internet. The man was reported before he returned home, and was eventually diagnosed and went to the hospital for treatment.


In the hospital full of coughing sounds, the virus that has not yet found a host is hiding from alcohol while looking for a host. But many people wear masks, doctors are more protective, and the virus is inevitably a little anxious.

Just when it was about to be sanitize by alcohol, the virus passed by the man who did not wear a mask and was somewhat weak. The virus then possessed the man. Triumphantly declared victory over alcohol.

The virus is happy because the possessed man has not returned home to reunite with his relatives for three years, so the man must leave the city. At that time, it can go to a wider area to spread the virus freely. So he's quietly lurking now...

However, the man's body temperature still rose, and the virus became worried, but this worry was quickly dispelled. Because the man packed his bags, took antipyretic medicine, prepared to go to the station, and decided to go home!


When they arrived at the station, they saw police officers armed with temperature guns checking passengers one by one. Men and the virus are inevitably a little nervous. The virus is afraid that the temperature it has raised will not be lowered by the fever reducer in time, and it will be corrected on the spot before it has time to show its fists and feet...

"Drip ------"

"Body temperature is normal, can go"

The two sighed and embarked on the return journey of the Spring Festival.

The virus laughed evilly, he was about to give up lurking, wreak havoc on the man's lungs, and spread more viruses ----...

[(Such poison is so cool!) Even the goods of alcohol dare to oppose him! The virus is swelling...]

At the same time, on the Internet that the virus does not know, his basic information has been almost skinned, especially his long incubation period and the characteristics that the incubation period can also be contagious. So everyone pays special attention to the people who come out of the man's city, and the man he possesses is reported.

The man got out of the car, and the man who did not know the truth and the virus were taken away.

Just when the virus was scratching his head, he saw the familiar environment again - the hospital !!!

His instant alarm bells rang! Began to attack the man's lungs in a big way, and began to spread the virus into the air. Before it could all be disseminated, the man was put on a mask, and after a while, the virus was detected by the detector and found to be really present.

Doctors began to administer drugs to the men, and the defense system that had been dying from the virus was strengthened and began to attack the virus in a big way.

"Oh, even if I don't..."

The virus that spread in the air was also hunted down by alcohol, and this time, he faced this full of people wearing masks, and he could no longer find a host, and in this square inch of space, he could only wait to be sanitize by alcohol.


1. Alcohol: The body is round, like a small white ball. The whole is in the form of a little angel, carrying a bucket full of alcohol, and by spraying alcohol to eliminate the virus that wanders in the hospital.

2. Virus (before appendage): A black orb, the whole is in the form of a small demon. It is possible to enter the human body through breathing.

Virus (possessed by a human body): Becomes one with the human body. At first, it was attached to the human body like Dan's black ghost body. As the time of possession increases, the color of the ghost body becomes darker and begins to split into small viruses. Ordinary people can't see him, and only by testing agents can they find him.

3. Patient: Normal adult man body shape, wearing a work uniform. Several emotional states: (1) relatively weak, because after a cold, I have a viral fever; (2) Be cautious, cautious, afraid that you will not be able to pass the security check; (3) Nervous and panicked because of being caught

Scenario introduction

1. Hospital scene

A small and medium-sized hospital. The only scenes that appear in the plot are the hospital outpatient clinic and the place where the medicine is taken.

Outpatient: The outpatient clinic is on the 2nd floor of the hospital, located at the entrance of the "T" shaped passage. There is a reception and it is close to the passage. On the wall behind the reception are screens for shouting, and opposite the reception are rows of reclining chairs. On both sides of the passage are the various examination rooms.

2. Train station scene

Similar to The Ost train station. The scenes that appear in the plot are the security checkpoint, the place to get on and off the train, and the inside of the carriage.

Security checkpoint: A passage (enclosed by poles and pull bars on both sides) at the end of the passage with a baggage inspection machine and a security gate. On the other side of the detector is a table with a computer display and a plastic basket containing prohibited items.

Get on and off: A platform underground with an escalator and electronic screen at intervals. Lines and numbers of different colors are painted on the ground to mark the carriages. The middle concave area is paved with tracks. There is a cordon at the place where you get off the bus.

3. Division:

Zhou Yu: Character scene text, scene design, storyboard scene drawing, poster coloring, derivative design

Zhou Chenchen: Story sy

nopsis, story outline text, character design, storyboard character drawing, poster line draft, derivative design


About the design of the characters

The male protagonist's design character diagram

Figure 1.0 The male protagonist's

About the design of the virus and alcohol design character diagram

Figure 1.1 About the design of the virus and valcohol

Preliminary Sketch - Virus Invasion

I admit to drawing on ai Indeed, it's not as easy as drawing on an iPad. This makes my homework progress slow

Figure 1.1 Preliminary Sketch

To be honest, some of my previous sketches were a bit redundant, I tried to delete some to make the content more comfortable


I really tried my best to upload the atlas on webtoons, but I don't know if it's because of the external network or what. I can't upload it all the time, it can't be loaded, it's really frustrating. As far as I know, my classmates in China seem to have failed to upload. I hope the teacher won't cut my score because of this, thank you! !

This is the material google link I am going to upload to webtoons

I added some sound effects to make the picture more lively and interesting

To complete my animation submission, I decided to follow the instructions to create my animation using Adobe After Effects. It was interesting because I explored post effects more thoroughly in this class than others, as I spent the entire day using this program to create and improve my animations.

YouTube link:

task- 3

In this project, a lot of time was really spent thinking. Not only the drawing, the transitions, but the story and the intent I want to express in that story. Although my story is short, I hope I can bring out the message I want to convey. I'm not good at drawing characters and I'm not good at telling stories, but I really do my best to show what I can. I still need a lot of improvements, especially the panel layout and transitions. Other than that, this project was a great experience for me creating manga. This is my first time drawing manga. However, I hope that in the future I can learn more about creating manga and also improve my drawing and animation skills.
