Design Principles- Final Compilation

Design Principles

Week 13(16/6/2022) - Week 14(21/7/2022)

Feng weijie | 0349058

Design Principles | B' in Creative Media

the first part 

Exercise 1 - Gestalt  & Contrast Theory

Figure 1.0 Contrast final work "Angels and Demons". 
Figure 1.1 Gestalt final work ''Cat with Guitar''. 

Exercise 2 - Repetition & Movement

Figure 1.2 Movement final work “flock”

Figure 1.2 Repetition final work "Sheep Baa Baa Doll Machine"

Exercise 3 - Harmony & Symbol

Figure 1. 3 Harmony final work of the flower

Figure 2.0  Symbol Final work - "Cats"

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Exercise 4 - Self-Portrait

Figure 2.0  Self-Portrait Final work -“Me and the dragon

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Exercise 4 - sense of place

Figure 2.1 sense of place Final work “childhood alley

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Final Project - Visual Analysis

Figure 2.2  Final work -Visual Analysis

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the second part

Final reflection

What have I learned in this module?

I feel that this experience has elevated my art and strengthened my discipline. I learned how to take criticism with a more positive attitude that will push me to reach the potential I want and eventually get to where I want to be. Also, I can learn not only from Dr. Jin Chi, but also from my peers. Their various styles and interpretations of their work taught me how to look at things in an open and fruitful way.

What do I enjoy the most? 

I would say this is my favorite module because it gives me the flexibility and independence to decide for myself the medium and direction I can use/go to, while providing enough guidelines that are different from other modules that usually limit the artistic effort of the module. 

Also, because of the similarities between me and her and our shared interests, Dr. Kaneki really makes the modules interesting, which I find difficult for lecturers to find.

What's my least favorite?

Aside from the actual exercises themselves, I don't like compiling a blog because it's time-consuming (though I don't mind doing it at all). However, this is necessary because it needs to be evaluated and my understanding and progress are evident. But I've been through it anyway because it made me better.

What do I know about myself through this module?

Through the art that I feel is very important, I learned how to express myself in a more effective and meaningful way. Before signing up for this course, I hesitated between choosing fine art or creative media. I ended up choosing creative media where I knew nothing about digital art over art I loved because I felt like I wanted to expand my capabilities. I feel that although I struggled, my decision was the right one and I don't regret it because I have made a lot of progress in a very short period of time. My perspective has become more open and my skills have expanded.

Through this module, I am able to push myself to explore the digital aspects of art while further refining my traditional artistic skills. I used to think I would eventually run out of ideas and become stagnant, but now I find that I have a new love and motivation to create art and improve myself. If anything, my passion for art will only get stronger. Overall, this module also allowed me to know myself better.

What changes have occurred and what have not changed in my learning process?

This journey has allowed me to manage my time more effectively to complete the assigned work.

What hasn't changed is how determined I am about my ideas. If I make up my mind, it's almost impossible for me to budge, which can sometimes be my failure.

What can be improved in this module?

I personally feel that the content of the module does not need to be changed. However, if my work has already been reviewed (usually within the first 30 minutes and then half of class time others are being reviewed), it would be nice to have us pause to reflect on a given review and make the necessary changes during those times


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