Major project | Weekly


Feng weijie | 0349058

Major project | B' in Creative Media

028.04.2024 -28.7.2024 (Week 14 -Week 1)


week 1

Major Project Topic # Brainstorming

Ways to Think About the Topic:

  1. Review Existing Thesis Topics and Assess Their Feasibility as a Final Year Project
    Start by looking at existing thesis topics for inspiration. Analyze whether these topics have sufficient depth and breadth to become a comprehensive final year project. Consider their feasibility in terms of technology and time, and evaluate their innovation and practical application value.

  2. Find a Real Client and Ensure Client Approval by the Teaching Team
    Identify project topics based on actual needs by contacting real clients to gather project requirements. This approach not only ensures the project's practicality but also provides valuable hands-on experience. However, make sure that the client and project content meet the requirements of the teaching team and receive their approval.

  3. Search for and Develop New Topics, Ensuring the Topic Meets One or More of the Following Requirements:

    • What is the Purpose?
    • Who Will Benefit from This Project?
    • What Problem Are You Solving?
From Week 1 to Week 5, our task is to develop a project proposal. As Mr. Asrizal mentioned in the Week 1 module briefing, we can start our project from scratch, find a client, or link our project to our thesis findings

week 2

Idea proposal slides nuclear wastewater discharge

I have proposed a theme for my main project: the pollution of marine life by Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge. I like this theme because it is an international issue with profound impacts on the global environment and ecosystems. Nuclear wastewater threatens marine life and can affect human health through the food chain. This theme can raise awareness about environmental protection and prompt action. Through this project, I hope to use my skills in website design, AR modeling, branding, and packaging design to create an impactful platform that enhances public awareness and discussion.

Mr. Asrizal assigned me a supervisor, Mr. Zeon, and instructed me to contact him for further progress. Since my theme was not approved, I need to come up with a new one.

week 3

major projects # continue to report on the theme PPT

Fortunately, I met a friend named Qian Tong. She wants to team up with me because her flood prevention project was approved. However, she needs application design for the project and hopes I and huilin can handle that part. So, in this class, we went to see Mr. Asrizal to report our latest progress.

week 4

# Planning for new themes

Due to the tight schedule, we need to quickly decide on a new topic. After two failures, I kept reflecting and searching for new ideas. While scrolling through my phone, I came across a post about adopting stray cats, which inspired me. The responses to the post were mixed; some supported adopting stray cats, while others believed the stray cat issue was difficult to solve. This made me wonder if we could address the basic survival needs of stray cats while also controlling their population.

By providing convenient solutions such as smart feeding stations, adoption platforms, and fundraising for spaying and neutering stray cats, we could effectively reduce the number of stray cats. This would prevent stray cats from spreading diseases and disrupting ecosystems, raising public awareness and involvement. This approach could not only improve the living conditions of stray cats but also engage more people in stray cat rescue efforts. Therefore, I decided to design a stray cat rescue system.

I went to Mr. Zeon to make an appointment and gave him feedback on my new topic. It passed the review without any problems, and he thinks the concept is feasible.

week 5

my theme was successfully approved. I invited my group member, Qian Tong, to join me in completing this project. Together, we refined the remaining content, updated our PPT, and sought feedback from Mr. Zeon.


week 2
Unfortunately, my idea was not approved. Mr. Asrizal felt that my theme was too broad and needed to be more practical, well-considered, and structured. He gave an example: despite modern cigarette packaging displaying the dangers of smoking and even showing images of diseases caused by smoking, people still smoke. Therefore, he believed that my theme could not effectively address the issue and wanted me to understand this. After considering his advice, I started thinking about a more suitable solution.

week 3
During our report, Mr. Asrizal raised critical questions about detecting an incoming flood in real-time and using the software without an internet connection. Since we couldn't effectively address these issues, our theme was rejected. This experience highlighted the importance of identifying and solving potential problems early in the project development process.

week 4

I scheduled a meeting with Mr. Zeon and presented my new theme to him. He approved it smoothly, stating that the concept is feasible and valuable because it addresses real-world problems and involves practical implementation. He encouraged me to understand how similar non-profit organizations sustain themselves and to identify weaknesses in existing stray cat rescue efforts in China, so I could find opportunities based on those weaknesses.

Additionally, Mr. Zeon pointed out that my proposal needs to include the following elements:

  1. Who will provide help (target audience)
  2. SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
  3. Project goals and descriptions, as well as key objectives (GD).

week 5


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