Experiential Design|Task2


Feng weijie | 0349058

Experiential Design | B' in Creative Media

028.04.2024 -28.7.2024 (Week 14 -Week 1)

Task 2  # Experience Design Project Proposal

Based on their findings in Task 1, we need to come up with an experience design project from our own theme/subject. This can be anything from a screen experience to a physical space experience. Therefore, we need to create a professional experience design project document that explains the project idea and how the user experience will be.

The project should include an analysis of the current situation, a comparison with similar solutions and how to do it better, a sketch to visualize the experience, a mock-up design of the final result from the user's perspective. This project aims to develop students' understanding of what experience design is, as well as their creativity to come up with a good, unique and magical experience design. It also looks at their ability to analyze, interpret and string together their ideas into a proposal document.


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