Advanced Typography | Task 1 exercises

Advanced Typography - Task 1 <Exercises>

Feng weijie | 0349058

Advanced Typography | B' in Creative Media

Week 01 (29/8/2022)– Week 04(15/9/2022)


Week 1 - Holidays

Mr. Vinod began this week's lecture with a video detailed introduction to this module. For this module, we watch pre-recorded lectures on YouTube. We were introduced to printing systems.

Week 2

We need to post on Facebook groups about the progress of our printing system, and Mr. Vinod gave us feedback on our work.

Week 3
Mr. Vinod gave us feedback on the work of our printing system. Afterward, Mr. Vinod introduced us to Part 1 of the Type & Play task.

Week 4
Mr. Vinod gave us some feedback on our type of discovery exercises. After that, Mr. Vinod implemented a new feedback system, let's answer. After the feedback session, Mr. Vinod introduced us to Part 2 of the Type & Play task.

Pre-recorded lectures

AdTypo_1_Typographic Systems

The typography system is similar to what architects call shape syntax (a set of shape rules that are applied in a step-by-step manner to generate a set). There are 8 main printing systems. 

  • Axis: All elements are organized to the left or right of a single axis
  • Radial: All elements extend from one focal point (can exceed 1 focal point)
  • Dilatational: All elements expand in a circle from the center point
  • Random: Elements do not appear to have a specific pattern or relationship
  • Grid: A system divided vertically and horizontally
  • Transitions: Informal systems of layered bands
  • Modularity: A series of non-objective elements, built as standardized units
  • Bilateral: All text is arranged symmetrically on one axis

Figure 1.0 Typography System

AdTypo_2_Typographic Combination

Design composition principles

We will consider the main principles, but when it comes to translating them into printed layouts or compositions, abstract states seem ambiguous. Emphasis/symmetry can be easily translated, but repetition/perspective is not conducive to typography.

Figure 1.1 Design Principles

The Third Law

  • Photography composition guide
  • The frame (space) can be divided into 3 columns and 3 rows
  • The intersection of lines = guide for placing intersections
Figure 1.2 Example of the rule of thirds

Environment Grid

Explore existing structures or combinations of structures. Designers use key lines of curves and lines to organize information uniquely and excitingly.

Figure 1.3 Example of an environment grid

Form and movement

encourage exploration from the existing grid system to dispel the seriousness. Care needs to be taken to ensure visual connections and surprises. When new elements such as images and color or text are added, the level of complexity increases.

  • The system is based on the exploration of existing grid systems.
  • Placing a form on one page (whatever it is) creates motion on many pages. It doesn't matter if the page is paper or screen.
Figure 1.4 Form and Motion Example

Figure 1.5 Form and Motion Example

Figure 1.6 Form and Motion Example

AdTypo_3_Context & Creative


  • The first mechanically made font
  • Mechanical types will try and imitate the form, spacing, and convention of the basis/standard
  • The evolution of the Latin alphabet
Figure 1.6 Evolution of the Latin alphabet

The earliest practical writing system
Left to right

  • Egyptian writing system
  • Integration with the art of relief
  • Mix rebus and voice characters
  • The first link to the functional letter 
Potential Uses

- Ideographs - Represent the things they actually depict
- Determinant - indicates that the preceding symbol is a phonetic symbol and indicates the general concept of the word
- Phonetic Symbols - Sounds that represent "spelled out" individual words

Early Greek
  • Egyptian logo consonant system
  • Pinyin alphabet (22 letters)
  • In a row, but the reading direction is not fixed
  • Can be left to right/right to left
  • Greek - boustrophedon / "Like a bull's plow"
  • Freehand drawing (not constructed with compasses and rulers)
  • Sans-serif wire

Roman Ancarre
  • The letters became more rounded
  • The curved form reduces travel
English semi-Anhal
  • The more inclined and concentrated form
  • Diverse regional styles
Carolingian trumpet 
  • Book production increased
  • Language standardization (pronunciation, spelling, writing conventions)


Task 1 - Typography System - Genres and Games

In this task, we need to explore text given in 8 types of typography systems using InDesign. Measuring 200mm x 200mm, we could use minimal non-objective elements and extras other than black. After listening to Mr. Vinod's pre-recorded lectures, I have a better understanding of the concept of typesetting systems. Before starting the exercise, I also read some ebooks and searched online references for more inspiration.

We explored 8 systems (Axial, Radial, Expansion, Random, Mesh, Modular, Transition
-Size 200mm ×200mm 300dpi
- Another color (once you have chosen your color, you can only use that color in all 8 systems)

My Preliminary sketch

Axial system

Radial system

 Random system
Grid system
Bilateral system

Modular system
Dilatational system

I forgot that all the figures had to be uniform in color so I finally decided to use off-white as the main color

Final Submission

Figure 1.0 The Final Inflation System

Figure 1.1 The ultimate modular system.

Figure 1.2 Final axial system

Figure 1.3 The final radial system.

Figure 1.4 The final stochastic system

Figure 1.4 Final Grid System.

Figure 1.5 The final bilateral system

Figure 1.6 The Final Transition System

Figure1.7  Final Task 1 PDF Layout System
Figure1.8 Final Task 1 Printing system with grid and guide

Exercise 2 [Part 1] - Type and Play 

For this task, we need to search for any man-made object or natural image, analyze, dissect, and identify potential letter forms in the dissected image. After listening to the intro, I decided to go with the food we eat every day, maybe not noticing the fun and detailed part of it. After scouring some fries or noodles, I decided to go with the lovely textured macaroni and holes.

Figure 1.9 Original Source Image (Macaroni)


According to Mr. Vinods' feedback, I needed to draw in more detail, and the area of the font pattern I had chosen earlier was too small to study. So I chose to try again

Second attempt

Font reference

Light Italic - Gill Sans Std - 

The reason behind this is that the font reference was originally chosen because its long width is similar to the original font I extracted

Final submission of results

Figure 1. shows the type with the source

Figure 1. The final instant noodles Type .pdf

Exercise 2 [Part 2]: Types and Images

This task is about integrating text with a vision to enhance the interaction between letters/words/sentences and the selected vision. After searching for some references, 

Contest design themes for HONOR 

Cultural Prosperity - Celebration (A totem of renewing festive culture)
Renewal of life - Return (Contemplate human beings' relationship with all things)


Figure 1.0 Landscape view of the Great Wall

I chose Cultural Prosperity - Celebration (A totem of renewing festive culture)

The prosperity of culture, I think of the Great Wall of China.
The Great Wall is the greatest military defense project in the ancient history of the world,
Whether in ancient times or in modern times, the Great Wall has an extremely important role and significance to China.

Visual research

I went to Pinterest to find a lot of material for the Great Wall illustrations there are also some traditional elements of Xiangrui that represent China.

Figure 1.1 from Pinterest

Start drawing sketches of the Great Wall in PS

Figure 1.2 Screenshot of the process on ps

Figure 1.3 Screenshot of the process on ps

Figure 1.3 Finished product 1

The first attempt felt too rigid in the middle, so I tried moving to the side

Figure 1.3 Final work

Figure 1.4 Final work pdf


Week 1

There are no courses during the holidays

Week 2

General feedback: We need to control the space at design time. Stochastic systems can be more complex and take time to explore. Space and movement are important in layout.
Specific feedback: the study is not deep enough, and the color needs to be unified. The expansion system needs to be done again

Week 3

General feedback: The sense of art plays a role in the layout, making it aesthetically pleasing. Good works strike a balance between composition and pleasing to the eye. Always work in black and white before adding colors. For new tasks, don't rush to complete the exercises. Try to explore and refine on different days to get a fresher mind and a better vision.

Specific feedback: Poor design, images depicted are too small and detailed enough to move on to the next step of research.

Week 4

General feedback:
Design exploration is essential, especially during the refining process. Image selection for letter extraction needs to be accurate to maintain the characteristics of the selected source or object.
The final submission of the printing system practice is next week. Make sure all the documents are clearly documented on our blog
Specific feedback: 
It was better than the previous design, and gave me examples of the works of several excellent designers for me to study, because the English level was limited, I only heard the name of one artist, and the teacher asked me to study Matthew Carte's typeface
