Advanced Typography | Task 2 : Key artwork & collateral

Advanced Typography- Task 2

Feng weijie | 0349058

Advanced Typography | B' in Creative Media

Week 05 (20/9/2022)– Week 08(11/10/2022)


Week 5

Mr. Vinod introduced us to Task 2 (A). We were assigned to create a key artwork using our name. It's a way of expressing ourselves that we can think about "what we're going to do if we weren't a designer" to design this key piece of art.

Week 6

Mr. Vinod gave feedback on the progress of our key artwork. After that, the key artwork is processed after feedback.

Week 7
Mr. Vinod gave us feedback on our main artwork and posters. Mr. Vinod also detailed what to expect in the poster in class.

Week 8
Independent study week.

                                        Pre-recorded lectures

AdTypo 4_ design type

 • Typeface design carries a social responsibility and must continue to improve its legibility.
 • Typography is a form of artistic expression.

Bell Centennial

Designed by Matter Carter

Purpose: To create a font that maintains readability in a small size (phone book).
Considerations/limitations: Printing on cheap absorbent paper and when printing is fast and less accurate. Corners are often susceptible to ink traps, and corners are still visible

Bell Centennial


Task 2(A) Key artwork
  • Introduction to Key Artworks (Task 2A)

Task 2 is basically a combination of all the exercises in Task 1. A key piece of art is something, but not exactly like a logo. It is used to identify a person or an event, and can also include a work of art as the main element of a poster – it can be extended to another work of art. The key artwork is a derivative form of the font and still retains its original identity.

When making key artwork:

  • You can use the initials of your name to indicate an emotional connection to you Explore and compose the arrangement of these letters
  • Careers should be included (if you're not a designer, what would you like to be?
  • Negative space can be considered
  • There is simplicity
  • Find an elegant solution where there is communication and excitement, as well as functionality.

  • Any font/color
  • Make sure the artwork is scalable, so it's best done in AI
  • Size: 200 x 200 (normal size)

We are assigned to design a key artwork using our name or initials. So I started thinking about Mr. Vinod asking us, "If you weren't a designer, what would you do?" problem. At first, I would think of working within a pet supply company, I am a very cat lover, and this job will make me very happy. Therefore, I tried to study it. After that, I also tried to study key artworks

Figure 1.0 Reference

I decided to use my initials, namely "F" and "WJ" in my main works. Later, I started sketching out some of my thoughts.

Figure 1.1 Letter sketch

I chose to evolve each letter based on SemiBold in "Gill Sans."

Figure 1.2 Logo Sketch

I came up with 9 designs ~ my draft 1.2.4 draft drawing is interesting, the W at the bottom of draft "4" needs to be changed because it is very similar to M and needs to be changed. To design a logo for your own company, you must think about the meaning of this logo, and why you designed this because it represents your own image.

Figure 1.2 Logo sketch 2

I evolved design 4
I chose sketch 2 ~ and then I made further design

Figure 1.4 Key artwork flows

I decided to explore with some colors.I found that this pattern design is more inclined to do cultural and creative brands, so I went to Pinterest to find color matching ~ because it is a cultural and creative brand, it is brighter

Visual research

I chose "Red . Yellow . Blue" as the main color.

Prepare to take the main 3 colors

Final submission

Figure 1.5 Final Key artwork [black and white]

Figure 1.6 Final Key Diagram [Color Version]

Figure 1.6 In-store signboard

Figure 1.6 Final submission pdf

Task 2 (B): Posters, invitations, and accessories

Moving on to the poster, I took the time to think about how to make it different from the main artwork while maintaining the same characteristics. Make it look even more distinctive

Final poster design


After the poster design was complete, I started animating the invitation. First, I searched for some references on Pinterest to study the flow or sentiment I wanted.

We were asked to implement this program on AE application

I encountered a lot of difficulties in implementing this plan, and I kept asking my friends around me. After the rough cut, I keep replaying and making appropriate adjustments to the keyframes to improve the flow and movement. Then slowly add the information on the background, and the final effect is generally quite satisfactory to me.


For the promotional materials, I plan to design something for children or adults who visit the launch. Therefore, I chose some things that are life-like
I've never tried this section of product packaging design~ I searched for some related tutorials

Pinterest's tutorial video



Task 2, it is enjoyable and challenging at the same time. The beginning part of this exercise is challenging as we use our initials to develop ideas that reflect the profession. Since tasks A and B are a continuation, key artworks are essential to help us decide on a specific design direction and style. After so many attempts, I'm glad my key artistic idea succeeded. Poster design allows us to modify what we have learned in the printing system to lay out the information. It's great to continue to practice this theory.


Consistency in style and color use plays a crucial role in reflecting the design philosophy. When creating key artwork, many students don't think about what they would do if they weren't designers. In addition, I noticed that many of us have difficulty designing posters. 


I found that I was not good at expressing myself. I'm not sure what I'm looking for. This made me lost in my own thoughts. This task allows us to adapt to the "real" world of design, come up with design concepts and directions, and represent the brand with good design solutions.
Further reading

Figure .0.1 Typography idea book from Taylor Library

I read the chapter of the book, "Exploring Media and Technology." The author's content is interesting because they explain different media and printing technologies. Although not all technologies are digital, it is interesting that they are still in use. Finally, I completely agree that the charm of typography stems from delusions.


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