Application Design I |Final Project: High-fidelity Prototype

Application Design  I

Feng weijie | 0349058

Application Design I  | B' in Creative Media

14.11.2022- 28.11.2022 (Week 12 - Week 14)



At this stage, the project is basically done. I had to change any issues in the lo-fi prototype, then refine it and add color and graphics.

Figure 1.1; High-fidelity prototype sketch

In order for buttons and other UI to work (input fields), I have to make interactive buttons and components. This is very difficult for some parts of the design.

Figure 1.2 Composition

Figure 1.3 Button assembly

When that's done, I need to get the application moving

I set each button, to what interface will go after clicking

Figure 1.4 button going

Final Submission of Final Project : High-fidelity Prototype



Making the wireframe interactive was very exciting because I could finally interact with it and not just see the interface. Figma is easier than I initially thought because there are a lot of tutorials on the internet and once you get familiar with all the features, it's easy to get started.


The design should be carried out after testing the operability of the interactive wireframe, it should be the last part of developing the application, just like drawing the wireframe with a pencil first, without thinking about aesthetics to make the workflow and results efficient. Rewards cannot be discarded under any circumstances, which is probably the biggest attraction for users who use this app.
