Minor Project|Final project

Minor Project

Feng weijie | 0349058

Minor Project  | B' in Creative Media


Final Project PDF

week 1

In the first week, Mr. Mike gave us an overview of the Minor Project. There are six themes in total. We need to choose the topics that interest each of us the most and start the follow-up cooperation. We will choose the project and collaborators we want from 6 different projects. It is recommended that we carefully select projects that match our expertise and strengths, and that are truly enjoyed and interested in us.

For example, we will redesign the color palette and characters after we further research what animals and colors children like.

week 2
This week we started building mood boards and brainstorming. We were looking for possible character design examples because our current character design wasn't well targeted at children enough, and we also talked about the main colors. According to our discussion, the color palette is too dark for children's video games

Design inspiration for animals

The inspiration I got was a Switch game that I play a lot~

"Animal Crossing" is a game that can be played every day and enjoyed for a long time, and the animals in it are companions who live and live with the player. The design concept of Dongsen is that it is "a character that is important at all times" for the player. Therefore, it is important to give animals the charm of "wanting to look at this animal" and "wanting to relate to this animal". Specific to this work, the center of the design concept is the appearance and realistic action that allow players to easily relate and empathize

I started to decide on a painting style – The chibi style

When designing character animals and considering the personalities of animals, it is also necessary to borrow the personalities of real humans. Animals that have the same characteristics as humans can make people feel the same intimacy.

There are six races of animals I designed, and the size, shape, and other racial characteristics should be emphasized by the different contours. In addition, in order to make it easier for players to empathize, emotional manifestations such as joy and sadness should also be symbolized.

week 3

This week we produced a questionnaire
I completed the character design sketch for our investigation.

After the questionnaire survey, we added 2 roles. It also changed the animal role of the seagull.

week 4

We've completed the survey and started sending it out. I have finished sketching my characters and will now color them correctly in procreate.
