Application Design II | Tsak 1:SELF-EVALUATION & REFLECTION


Feng weijie | 0349058

Application Design II | B' in Creative Media

29.08.2023 -01.10.2023 (Week 14 -Week 1)


TASK 1  # Self-evaluation and Reflection

Operating instructions

As students, we need to self-evaluate and reflect on our mobile app design 1 final project. This project aimed to document the problems, difficulties, and challenges we encountered during the design process and develop solutions to improve mobile application design. Mobile app design is an iterative process, and this task will show students how to continuously improve their application.


# The final outcome of App Design II

In the last semester of June 2023, I completed the final project for Application 2, but unfortunately, I did not pass this template due to individual reasons. I want to showcase my last semester's final work, the Ember Traveler travel app, and redesign some layouts for this mobile application. This project involved the entire process from the initial proposal to creating high-fidelity prototypes using Figma. Additionally, I focused on detailing the user journey process to ensure a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

Reviewing the final application prototype of "Ember Traveler" from last semester's App Design 2, I found that the overall user interface design and user experience, as per Mr. Razif's feedback, lacked in certain aspects of interaction design. Overall, it was considered rather ordinary without distinctive features, and there were some layout issues. I understand that I need to pay closer attention to the user experience and ensure that the interface design works effectively in the actual application and that the application workflow runs smoothly.

# In the first week

Mr. Razif's feedback encouraged us to delve deeper and gain a better understanding of areas that require caution, while also identifying opportunities for improvement and refinement in application design.

During the feedback meeting, he mentioned the following areas: 

  • Navigation bar design
  • Steps and processes when clicking the menu button
  • Order summary and checkout pages

It's worth noting that Mr. Razif found the design and functionality of other pages to be overall simple, intuitive, and clear.

Identify problems

Mr. Razif identified several different problems and asked me to make improvements to solve them. I made some modifications based on it

Issue 1: Loading pages and login screens lack visual appeal and dynamic elements。

Issue: The loading page appears too monotonous, and the images on the login interface are too small, with excessive white space.

Solution: To enhance the visual appeal, we can add dynamic elements to the loading page, such as animating my logo, and enlarge the images on the login interface with sliding image animations.

Issue 2: The layout of the main interface is clearly deficient.

Issue: The main interface layout has significant shortcomings that require urgent improvement to enhance the user experience.

Solution: In order to enhance visual appeal and improve usability, I need to carefully adjust the letter-spacing parameters and enrich the elements and content of the navigation page.

Improvements have been made

After successfully creating the animation of the backpack jumping up, I felt that the loading screen became more vibrant and less rigid. As a result, I approached the subsequent attempts with full confidence

In response to Mr. Razif's feedback, I enlarged the images, which resulted in a significant enhancement of the visual appeal of the interface. This not only improved the user experience but also enabled users to clearly understand the content conveyed by the application upon opening it. Additionally, the incorporation of animation elements added a more dynamic and sophisticated appearance to the interface.

On the main page, I've observed several significant enhancements. Firstly, I've introduced a dropdown navigation page to enrich the content, and incorporated sliding animations for images, thus infusing the page with dynamic movement. Furthermore, I've made adjustments to the icons to ensure a more cohesive overall design, along with fine-tuning letter spacing. These collective changes have collectively elevated the quality of my page.


When reviewing the application design tasks before improving them, I found the process both challenging and rewarding. On the one hand, it is difficult to criticize and improve what you have already invested time and effort into creating. However, on the other hand, it was a great opportunity to exercise my creativity and problem-solving skills.

During the assignment, I need to consider not only the appearance of the application but also its functionality and user experience. I had to think about how users would interact with the application, what features were essential, and how to improve the previous design.

Through this process, I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of user-centered design. I realized that designing an app was not only about making it look good but also about making sure it was easy to use and meet the needs of my target audience. In addition, I realized that even small changes can have a significant impact on the overall effectiveness of an application.

Overall, this task was an excellent opportunity to test my skills and learn more about the design process. It helped me realize that design is a process of constant iteration and improvement and that there is always room for improvement. I learned many lessons about the importance of user experience and functional design and realized that design is a skill that requires continuous learning and development.

I look forward to applying this experience and knowledge in future projects to further enhance my design capabilities."


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