Game studio|Project 2 and Final Project

Feng weijie | 0349058

Application  Design  II | B' in Creative Media

03.04.2023 -28.6.2023 (Week 14 -Week 1)


Weekly tracker


For Project 2, we will collect primary data for our study using various methods such as game test responses, observations, interviews, and surveys through questionnaires. All evidence supporting data collection should be well organized. Then, for the final iteration, we will develop the proposed game design based on the findings/data from the Project 2 game testing cycle. We then need to make a presentation slide and a PDF version of the downloadable game design document, embed it and post it in the blog.

Week 6

Character design

The most basic design of the role
I am in charge. I want to design a unique duck, which is different from the design of duck characters in the market. When we went to the offline group activities on weekends, we went to see the store of Bubble Mart. This kind of honest and lovely duck is the feeling I want. So I took this as inspiration and designed several ducks.

Figure 1.0 The most basic character design process

Finally, after the feedback from the team members, we modified and modified our final duck character.

Figure 1.1 The most basic character design

When I was assigned character design, I needed to spend a week designing the shapes and color schemes of the six ducks. We wanted the design of these characters to reflect the personality traits of our group members, but since this is my first time working with this group, I had to get to know them in the past two weeks of contact and design characters that fit their personalities, which is also a huge challenge for me.

I spent a lot of time thinking about the accessories and identity definitions of each character because I wanted to make some special designs. Due to time constraints, I kept revising for two days all night and finally completed this basic character sketch. Everyone is very satisfied with these designs, and I feel that my efforts are worthwhile.

Figure 1.2 Role design scheme

Figure 1.3 Basic character design

After the sketch was done, I worked on the color combination, and I came up with several colors, which I modified based on feedback from the group members.

Figure 1.4 Character color matching

Based on the group's feedback, I made changes to some accessories and some color schemes

Figure 1.5 Character color matching

In the end, another round of voting was held to select our final character design.

Figure 1.6 Character color matching

Finalize the duck color character design assignment

Figure 1.7 color character design assignment

Once the character was decided, I transferred it to AI,After feedback from the group, I went through 2 revisions to the AI file

First modification
Second modification

Finally, Siew Weng worked on it in more detail

Week 7

We decided to gather at Siew Weng's place and test the whole game for ourselves. Since we found it difficult to use the previous prototype board because it was attached separately, we printed a revised version of the board from previous tests.

Before Thursday's official Alpha Playtest, we made some improvements again, such as changing the inside of the action card, as some are unnecessary.

During our Alpha Playtest, 1 player from another group is required to join our game. I stayed with 1 player from this other group and based on her feedback, everything was good, we still need to keep revising and improving

Based on feedback and suggestions from other groups and Ms. Anis, these are the 

changes we intend to make:
- Visualize cards to create more memorable encounters.
- Add elements such as each character has its own special powers and characteristics.
- Opportunity to add more skill cards [We found that this is a bit boring when all players don't have any skill cards on hand, so we decided to add a game rule: "Each player has a skill card as their weapon at the beginning of the game".

Week 8

This week, we didn't have classes because it was an independent learning week, and then we made the most of the week to continue developing our game based on feedback and suggestions.

Week 9

This week, this is the second Alpha Playtest, this time requiring 3 players from other groups to play our game. In the first round, we hosted the tournament through the draw, leaving Siew Weng and Pei Yun to host the competition, and I also went to other groups to play games.


In the second round, I still went to other groups to play, and our group stayed in the second round, Ser Yeet and jiahsuan were the hosts, and after their feedback, this group of players were more sportsmanlike and more daring to complete all challenges.


Week 10

Based on the feedback from the players, most of them find the game interesting and relevant. Even some shy players manage to open up and actively participate in the challenge at the end of the game. From a group of strangers, through play, we were able to warm up with each other and become friends. This actually shows that our game is almost there because it achieves all the goals we have proposed. I'm happy to say that friendships have been made

After this week, we must finish and explain the design of the card in Illustrator. We separate action cards according to the suitability of each character and use a random wheel selector to choose the role that each memory person must be responsible for illustrating.

Individual illustrations of cards
I'm in charge of the role-cook chef

I started creating and designing cards in Illustrator based on the scene on the card. Since I'm pressed for time, we have to get everything to the print shop to print as soon as possible by this week so we can get it before the beta test.

The card design I finished

Week 11

We don't have classes this week, just to check the progress of visual elements, current design decisions, and directions throughout our game. We put everything together into presentation slides and updated Ms. Anis at team meetings.

After the feedback session, we continued to discuss and refine our design concept in the meeting room. This week, our focus is primarily on visual design elements, including card borders, dice designs, credit visuals, and more.

Week 12

This time we went ahead and changed and reprinted the ptototype of the board game. Add more graphics and colors. Since we've also made some changes to the box, we might as well reprint it to reduce any clutter

For Beta Playtest, everyone must leave a moderator for each group before the rest of the members can play the other group's games. So jiahsuan is the host of this playtest, and since most of the material is halfway done, it will definitely improve the experience when playing the game.

The only feedback from players is that, overall, the game is good and fun... It's just a similar problem because there are always "unlucky" players. Since our stands are made of paper, it is very light and fragile and it has been falling throughout the game. But once the acrylic stent arrives, everything will be fine.

Week 13

We continue to make progress, this time on the gamepad and packaging. Jiahsuan and I were responsible for designing the gameboard's visuals. I was in charge of designing the design inside the triangle, and she was in charge of designing the background outside the triangle. I also readjusted the lines inside the box as some of the lines were not aligned correctly either.

I made a sketch and went to llustrator to implement them

The final effect

Overall display effect

Week 14

We had to prepare for the final presentation, include more detailed information in the final game file, and shoot and edit the final pitching video. Honestly, this week is the most overwhelming because there are so many things to do!!

This week I started packaging design for boxes
Due to time and technical problems, we are afraid of poor printing results

Jiahsuan decided to tweak the design according to my version and added the necessary game icons, descriptions, and elements that should be in the package. She also modified the bottom view design of the box

The end result of the packaging design

Later, Pei Yun also continued to work on the final design of the rule book, with Siew Weng filming the pitching video and last but not least Ser Yeet editing the video. Honestly, everything was done in a hurry because everything arrived the day before the demo! Until the last minute, we were still editing the video.

Final result
Follow us on IG!@duck_academia

Fig final prototype design at Duck Academy

Fig Final Presentation Slide - PDF

Fig FInal Game Design Document - PDF


Finally, we successfully completed this project! Honestly, it was one of the most challenging and fulfilling experiences in our history. Over the past 14 weeks, we have continued to refine and develop this project. If we encounter a problem, we must go back to the previous step and constantly solve and improve, cycling like a carousel. Teamwork has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes this can be frustrating and stressful, but working as a group also helps because bringing together many ideas is more effective than solving problems alone. At the same time, the process also made me look at teamwork from another perspective. Since we created this project from scratch, we had to make many design decisions. This taught me to compromise and listen to everyone's opinions and ideas.

Communication and understanding of everyone's point of view is essential. Although sometimes emotions can be affected, it is also a learning process and sometimes inevitable because we have to complete tasks. In general, everyone is trying to contribute to the team, and they are doing a great job in their respective fields. In the future, we will continue to work together as a team, and I believe this will be a great opportunity to develop our good experience and skills.

Also, it felt great to create our first tabletop game as a team, which made me respect and appreciate the creators of the tabletop game even more. The whole process is not as simple as we think. There have been many trials and errors in terms of playability and visuals. While the end result is important, our tabletop games would not have been able to go in the direction of success without going through these processes. Finally, thank you to each team member for their dedication and peace out of the duck academy ✌️!
