Games Development |Exercise

Feng weijie | 0349058

Games Development | B' in Creative Media

03.04.2023 -28.6.2023 (Week 14 -Week 1)

Compilation of weekly exercises


Week 1

During the first week of lessons, Mr. Razif briefly showed us the tasks in this module. He then gave us a talk about game development.

Game development components

  • Game design
  • Game art
  • Game technology


  • Challenges - obstacles
  • Policy - Order
  • Chance - Extend the player's life (chance to survive)
  • Choice - Most common in RPG-type games
  • Luck - random, conditional (roll the dice in a specific condition/scenario)

Week 2

Mr. Razif gave us a lecture about Game Ideation.

Game ideation: scamper 
  1. Brainstorming activities were conducted.
  2. Practiced mental writing skills.
  3. An in-depth look at the SCAMPER approach, including creative approaches such as 
  • substitute 
  • combine 
  • adapt 
  • modify 
  • put to another use 
  • eliminate, reverse  
Game ideation: 3(i)s



Week 1 -#
Game review & analysis

In the lecture, Mr. shared with us the excellent game works of our predecessors and gave a comprehensive review of them.

Subsequently, I embarked on a journey of exploration through the website's collection of games. Among the multitude of options, I found a particular fondness for "Misty Night" crafted by Tamara Audrey. This game captured my attention with its intricate and captivating level design, accompanied by exquisite artwork, although there is room for improvement in terms of visual elements (especially environmental design). Throughout my exploration, I gradually pieced together the intricate puzzle of the game's holistic system. The controls of the game were both simple and fluid, although certain sections demanding higher technical proficiency might require additional practice.

Figure 1.0 "MistyNight" Opening Screen

However, I observed that this game lacks explicit instructions or prompts, which could potentially lead to confusion for some players. Furthermore, there were specific issues present, such as instances where players could perpetually fall into obstacles and face unintended deaths. Despite investing a substantial amount of time in attempts, I ultimately found myself unable to grasp the game's mechanics and the method to successfully complete it.

To sum up, while "Misty Night" shines in its level design and controls, there are areas that warrant improvement, such as providing more comprehensive game instructions and addressing potential errors. These enhancements would contribute to an enhanced gaming experience.


Figure 1.1 "MistyNight" game interface

Week 2 -#Game Ideation 

This week, Mr. Razif asked us to create our own game using the methods taught in the lecture. We formed the group following our sitting table, and I was grouped with Pan Wen, Catherine, Heoi, and Tak H.
Our group members all agree on the concept of villains' revenge, and we get to work.
Figure 1.2 Game Ideation" Villans Revenge "

Week 3 -# 
chaper 01:Unity's exercises Implement Player Control

This week, Mr. Razif provided us with an introduction to Unity, along with guidelines and considerations for its usage. He also conducted a tutorial on character control and presented two examples for us to study and practice. These course materials have helped us establish a fundamental understanding of Unity and provided us with hands-on experience, enabling us to better grasp this powerful game development tool.

Challenge 1

Prototype 1

Figure 1.3  "Implement Player Control " MIB

Week 4 -# chaper 02: Implement Basic Gameplay

Figure 1.4  "Implement Basic Gameplay" MIB

Challenge 2

Prototype 2

Week 5 -# chaper 03 :Implement Sounds and Effects

Figure 1.  "Implement Sounds and Effects" MIB

Challenge 3

Prototype 3


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