Feng weijie | 0349058

Advanced  Interactive  Design  | B' in Creative Media

03.04.2023 -28.6.2023 (Week 14 -Week 1)

Compilation of weekly exercises

Week 1 - #Public holidays

no classes.

Week 2 - #Advanced Interaction Design Lecture 1: Module Introduction 

We only had a brief presentation this week, and we were informed that we need to download some applications and software before next week's class begins, such as TikTok House, so there were no exercises for this week.

Assigned Tasks:

1. TikTok Filter Research
2. Capture 3 filters that you like and share them.
3. Engage in a group discussion to generate at least 3 ideas for your own filters (you can also draw inspiration from Instagram filters).
4. Download and install TikTok Effect House.

- Capture 3 filters that you like and share them

What is a TikTok filter?

TikTok filters are a feature that enables users to add various visual effects such as beautification, special effects, color adjustments, and background changes to their short videos to enhance the appeal, creativity, and entertainment of their videos. These filters offer a wide range of creative options to help users create unique and impressive content that will attract more viewers and interactions. Effects can be added before and after recording a video, but some effects are only available before recording, while others are only available after recording. 

Filter 1 #Pets Try On Snapchat Filters

Figure 1.0 Pets Try On Snapchat Filters

The reason I chose this filter is because the "Disney Magic for Pets" filter has won widespread love. This filter brings the emotional expression and humanity of Disney animated characters in a vivid way, giving countless pet owners a unique opportunity to transform their pets into Disney-animated characters in an instant. When we apply this Disney filter to our pets, it seems to present us with a whole new world and turn our pets into living Disney characters. This magical change is not only exciting but also full of pleasure and surprise.

Week 2 #the weirdest TikTok Filters ever  made 

Figure 1.1 The weirdest  TikTok Filters ever made

I really like some interesting special effects on TikTok and Instagram, such as the funny special effects collection put together by blogger Ms. Lauren. These special effects are full of humor and are enjoyable. There is a special effect that can transform you into a lemon, this special effect presents the facial features, you can create all kinds of funny expressions without looking strange, on the contrary, it makes you look very cute there, fun It is definitely a relaxing and enjoyable entertainment option.

Week 3 #Ai Manga Filter TikTok

Figure 1.2 Ai Manga Filter TikTok

This is the love manga filter effect that has been very popular recently. It can make the characters or objects in the video more like the characters or scenes in the comics. This filter effect usually adds comic-style lines and colors to give the video a cartoony and vivid look. This effect makes users' videos look more interesting and engaging because it makes things in the real world look like they're coming out of a comic, I especially like this effect because it makes me feel like I'm a two-dimensional character, although sometimes it's a little different from real people.

Classroom practice


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