Games Development | Final project

Feng weijie | 0349058

Games Development | B' in Creative Media

03.04.2023 -28.6.2023 (Week 14 -Week 1)

 # Games Development proposal

Operating instructions

  • Create a Games Development Proposal.
Develop a Games Development proposal. The proposal should include detailed explanations of the story background, theme, level design, and more. Given that this is our first foray into game development, our primary goal is to create a simple and enjoyable game, ensuring a smooth entry into the field and establishing a dependable game development process. Mr. Razif has advised us against creating an overly complex game, considering that this is our first attempt at game development.


I began by contemplating and examining all the games I've ever played, trying to identify which ones truly captivated me, especially those with themes that remain relevant. Ultimately, I made a decision, and one of my favorite game genres emerged as a clear choice – horror games!

To delve into this direction more specifically, I want to explore some unique themes, such as a horror apocalypse scenario, which would be dark and absolutely terrifying survival gameplay. While I'm still hesitant about proposing this idea, I've decided to focus on in-depth research for now.

Requirement: # Create a 2D platformer

Attached are proposals, research, and analysis of my game, as well as my very rough idea.

* Process

The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the player awakens in a desolate landscape, choosing to embody the character of a young girl named "Rena." She must navigate through the ruins occupied by mutated beings, engaging in battles and assisting her in finding a secure refuge. In subsequent game proposals, this narrative will be further developed to unveil additional details about characters, missions, and the world.

# Measurable elements include

**Health Points (Health):** The life that players and enemies have during combat, determines their survivability.

**Mana Points:** The energy players possess to cast attacking skills.

**Keys:** Items used to unlock specific areas or treasures.

In terms of levels:

**Tutorial:** Guides players to become familiar with game controls, mechanics, and basic skills.

**Level 1 - Mutants:** Introduces basic hostile elements in the game, including two types of mutants with both short-range and long-range attacks.

**Level 2 - Increased Difficulty Obstacles and Traps:** Raises the game difficulty by introducing more complex environmental elements, requiring players to act with caution.

# Art Style

2D Pixel Art: The game features striking 2D-pixel art, delivering a unique and captivating visual experience.

Grim Post-Apocalyptic Rendering Atmosphere: The visual presentation of the game combines elements of a grim post-apocalyptic world, showcasing impressive ruins and a desolate atmosphere.

Eerie Artistic Style: The game is characterized by a mysterious and eerie artistic style, creating an immersive gaming experience for players.

# Scene inspiration

# Refer to Game Design Options

# Game Design Proposal Presentation Video

link to :

During this project, I experienced the true essence of game development—a constant struggle to identify and rectify errors. Emotions fluctuated like a roller coaster, with some issues mysteriously vanishing while others transformed into significant challenges.

Fortunately, following my senior's recommendation, I turned to Bob Ross in the coding community for learning. He saved the day, and I highly recommend his tutorials for those seeking a profound understanding of the fundamental principles of creating 2D platform games in Unity.

# Character sketches

Character design sketches

Designing my own game characters took a considerable amount of time. In class, I came across a classmate who had almost completed his own creations. I learned that designing a complete game character involves considering animations for attacks (3 frames), jumps (2 frames), walking in two directions with approximately 8 frames each, and a death animation with 2 frames. Due to constraints in both ability and time, I was only able to complete three characters. This process deepened my understanding of the complexity of game development, while simultaneously fostering patience and enhancing my design skills.

Character  design sketches

Next, I delved into the collection of environmental assets. To save time, I opted to search online for materials that aligned with my theme. However, it was disheartening to discover that the majority of visually appealing assets came with a price tag, which was indeed a saddening reality. Fortunately, in the end, I managed to find some materials that suited my game.

Environment assets

After completing everything, I began working on my game in Unity. The most challenging part was next: "Come on, come on! Ember, don't cry. Brave on."

Before I started, I was fortunate to discover Chinese-language Unity tutorials on YouTube. Honestly, this made the entire process much easier to some extent. These videos served as my guide, aiding me in better understanding and applying various features of Unity. Thanks to these resources, I was able to navigate game development more smoothly.

Unity 2D Tutorial: Make a small game quickly

# Start Menu
play button

# Level Design 1-2

Game level 1

Game level 2
# Unity process diagram display

Unity process diagram display

Unity process diagram display

Unity process diagram display
Unity process code

Unity process code

Unity process code

To be honest, I've faced numerous setbacks during the Unity code programming phase. On several occasions, sections that were running successfully were compromised due to errors caused by my subsequent actions, leaving the entire project in a state of frustration. Fortunately, the knowledge acquired from previous courses proved to be a valuable support system, aiding me in overcoming these challenging moments.

I hope you enjoy this test video and we look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions.

Final game walkthrough

link to :
Final game walkthrough


Given the urgency of my work schedule, I am satisfied with the progress of the project. However, I also acknowledge that despite having numerous ideas for features and improvements, the constraints of time prevent a comprehensive implementation. Throughout the development process, I consistently encountered minor issues that, in theory, I was willing to address. Unfortunately, the limited time hindered my ability to thoroughly resolve every detail as I would have liked. Nevertheless, I recognize the necessity of working pragmatically within given constraints. Striking a balance between ambitious ideas and practical execution remains a challenge. While there are aspects I couldn't explore fully, I am content with the final outcome and overall achievements of the game.

In the future, if I revisit this project or engage in similar work, I will meticulously plan the development schedule to integrate additional features and ensure a smoother debugging process.

All in all, this game development project has been a valuable learning experience. Through this process, I was able to unleash my creativity, acquire new skills, and overcome numerous challenges.
